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Carpet Stain Removal

Floors are for more than walking; they are for sitting, playing, sometimes even sleeping. 


At Galaxy Property Services we understand that you want your floors and upholstery to look their best. That is why we have been offering our stain removal services for 10 years and helping thousands of homeowners and tenants feel comfortable and confident in the homes in which they live.


It’s really important to remove a stain as soon as you can. The longer it has to work its way into the fibres of a fabric the harder it can be to remove, but be sure not to rush and attempt to remove the stain yourself with chemicals that may make it worse. One out technicians can attend and take a look at the offending stain. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff will provide comprehensive advice and information, and a realistic quote to get the work done.


Our customers are important to us and we value your opinions. We will walk you through the procedure so you are confident in the services you are purchasing. We’ll get it right the first time or come back at no extra charge to you.


If you are looking for professional quality stain removal in Brisbane, and clear information on what is best for your specific needs, give Galaxy Property Services a call today.

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Nail Polish Removal 

Nail Polish Removal 



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